“Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith,
you are welcome here”
Our Mission Statement
Called together by our Reformed heritage and tradition
of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A),
Spirit of the Desert Presbyterian Fellowship
seeks to glorify God in worship, witness, mission, study and fellowship.
We hold as central the transforming power of God’s reconciling love
revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We affirm the worth of all people and nurture each individual’s spiritual journey and call to service.
We are a caring and compassionate group of believers, open to all.
Spirit of the Desert Presbyterian Fellowship supports those in need in the Coachella Valley, across the USA and those in crisis around the world. Over the last several years, “Spirit” has given away nearly half of the funds they raised. In 2024 this amounted to $24,750.
Non-Profits Supported in 2024
+ Coalition of Immokalee Workers https://ciw-online.org
+ DAP Health https://www.daphealth.org/
+ ECPAT International https://ecpat.org/
+ Family Assistance Ministries https://lovefam.org/
+ FIND https://findfoodbank.org/
+ Friendship Shelter https://www.friendshipshelter.org
+ Galilee Center https://galileecenter.org/
+ Giving Well https://www.thegivingwellfoundation.org/
+ Hearts and Lives https://www.heartsandlives.org/
+ Hidden Harvest https://www.hiddenharvest.org/
+ Middle East Children’s Alliance https://www.mecaforpeace.org/
+ More Light Presbyterians https://sites.google.com/mlp.org/tempsite/home?authuser=0
+ Mt. Baker Presbyterian Church https://www.mtbakerchurch.org/operation-nightwatch
+ Musalaha Reconciliation Ministries https://musalaha.org/
+ Olympia Presbytery https://www.olypres.org/
+ One Great Hour of Sharing Offering https://pcusa.org/special-offerings/one-great-hour-sharing
+ PCUSA - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance https://pcusa.org/disaster-assistance/how-help/give/active-disaster-response-accounts
+ Presbyterian Christmas Joy Offering https://pcusa.org/special-offerings/christmas-joy-offering
+ Presbyterian Ministry to the United Nations https://www.instagram.com/pcusa_un/
+ Presbyterian Peace Fellowship https://www.presbypeacefellowship.org
+ Presbyterian Missionaries Esther Shin + Noah Park https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/missionconnections/park-shin/
+ Project Peanut Butter https://www.projectpeanutbutter.org/our-work
+ Sharp Healthcare Foundation. https://www.sharp.com/give/sharp-healthcare-foundation
+ Stonewall Ministries https://www.stonewallministries.com