“Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith,

you are welcome here”

Our Mission Statement

Called together by our Reformed heritage and tradition

of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A),

Spirit of the Desert Presbyterian Fellowship

seeks to glorify God in worship, witness, mission, study and fellowship.

 We hold as central the transforming power of God’s reconciling love

revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We affirm the worth of all people and nurture each individual’s spiritual journey and call to service.

We are a caring and compassionate group of believers, open to all.


Non-Profits Supported in 2023

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. https://www.olacathedral.org/food-drive

Critical Mass Dance Company. https://www.criticalmassdancecompany.org/

Desert AIDS Assistance Program. https://www.daphealth.org/

ECPAT International. https://ecpat.org/

Family Assistance Ministries. https://lovefam.org/

FIND https://findfoodbank.org/

Galilee Center. https://galileecenter.org/

Giving Well. https://www.thegivingwellfoundation.org/

Hearts and Lives. https://www.heartsandlives.org/

Hidden Harvest. https://www.hiddenharvest.org/

Middle East Children’s Alliance https://www.mecaforpeace.org/

Musalaha Reconciliation Ministries. https://musalaha.org/

Neuro Vitality Center.

New Mexico Coalition for Reproductive Choice. https://nmrcrc.org/

Olympia Presbytery. https://www.olypres.org/

PCUSA - ‘’Disaster = Maui https://pda.pcusa.org

PCUSA - Disaster - Middle East. https://pda.pcusa.org

PCUSA - Disaster - Ukraine. https://pda.pcusa.org

Presbyterian Women, Synod, Southern CA. https://pwsynod.wordpress.com/

Presbyterian Missionaries: Esther Shin+Noah Park https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/missionconnections/park-shin/

Project Peanut Butter. https://www.projectpeanutbutter.org/our-work

Sharp Healthcare Foundation. https://www.sharp.com/give/sharp-healthcare-foundation

Stonewall Ministries. stonewallministries.org

Transgender Health & Wellness Center. https://trans.health/